четвъртък, 28 април 2011 г.

The Royal Wedding Puma

Tiffany Baron’s pair are the perfect example of Puma Humour, with a shoe each for the bride and groom. The first shoe, resembling the uniform of the Irish Guards, is draped in red fabric with a red flap with big gold buttons paying homage to their uniforms. Take a closer look and you can see Prince William’s grandmother adorned on the famous Puma stripe. The second shoe, for the bride, comes in blue silk, inspired by Kate’s engagement dress and embodies grace. It comes complete with it’s own veil on the cuff, a Puma stripe made of ribbon flowers, mini pearl sequins and two doves!
As you can see, some can be worn during some Royal events, Chase’sThe Royal Instagaiters‘, can be used should a prince decide he wants to go horseback riding or play a few games of Polo.
Murab took more of a formal approach with his customisation, adding a leather sole and stitching to his, and with the colours coming from Prince William’s Army uniform (something he may wear on his wedding day), it means that should something unfortunate happen to his own pair of shoes for that day, he could just put these on and avoid chaos.
Marco Monteiro Hasse used Kate and William’s official engagement photo as his main source of inspiration. With the colours of the shoe blue and white, all he needed was to add red to make it British, so he duplicated the Union Jack onto the Puma formstripe. They were made into a pair for the couple with the little added detail of their names onto the laces. The customisation was complete as he added an all over print of ‘Kate and William’ to the cuff of the shoe and the date of the wedding beneath the Puma logo.

Which one is your favourite???

вторник, 12 април 2011 г.

Christian Louboutin's / Phillip Lim

  • High end shoe label Christian Louboutin is a highly revered name among Sex and the City addicts and dapper young (very rich) men from across the globe, mostly due to the designer’s distinctive leftfield approach to haute couture footwear. The new Spring/Summer 2011 collection includes both high top and slip-on men’s sneakers, and like previous luxury men’s lines Louboutin has adorned them with copious metal studs and spikes.

  • First peek at new collection for Spring/Summer 2011

  • Studded Wristlet! Phillip Lim

вторник, 5 април 2011 г.

Ръдиърд Киплинг

Ако владееш се, когато всички
треперят, а наричат теб страхлив;
Ако на своето сърце едничко
се довериш, но бъдеш предпазлив;
Ако изчакваш, без да се отчайваш;
наклеветен – не сееш клевети;
или намразен – злоба не спотайваш;
но… ни премъдър, ни пресвят си ти;
Ако мечтаеш, без да си мечтател;
ако си умен, без да си умник;
Ако посрещаш краха – зъл предател
еднакво със триумфа – стар циник;
Ако злодеи клетвата ти свята
превърнат в клопка – и го понесеш,
или пък видиш сринати нещата,
градени с кръв – и почнеш нов градеж;
Ако на куп пред себе си заложиш
спечеленото, смело хвърлиш зар,
изгубиш, и започнеш пак, и можеш
да премълчиш за неуспеха стар;
Ако заставиш мозък, нерви, длани
и изхабени – да ти служат пак,
и крачиш, само с Волята останал,
която им повтаря: „Влезте в крак!
Ако в тълпата Лорда в теб опазиш,
в двореца – своя прост човешки смях;
Ако зачиташ всеки, но не лазиш;
ако от враг и свой не те е страх;
Ако запълниш хищната Минута
с шейсет секунди спринт, поне веднъж;
Светът е твой! Молбата ми е чута!
И главно, сине мой – ще бъдеш мъж!

Morning coffee

What the - lifting early on nine cups of coffee.T-shirts Calvin Klein Jeans

неделя, 3 април 2011 г.


I love spring <3

This is my favorite style, I'm here with jeans of Benneton, leather jacket Zara, shoes G-strar raw, the hat is from London + Ipod shuffle

петък, 1 април 2011 г.

Paris Paris Paris......center of the world

A romantic comedy about a family traveling to the French capital for business. The party includes a young engaged couple forced to confront the illusion that a life different from their own is better

Premiere of the film will be at Cannes on May 11 and will soon appear in cinemas.
Director:Woody Allen

I like

Watches,tattoos,Club's/dance, Fashion,Gourmet

Culinary Arts

I welcome

I was born on 22031989/at 4:30 a.m Aries.